The AADG is a non-profit, tax-exempt institution of public interest. It is the museum's strategic and executive body, whose aim is to promote Swiss artists who are never or too rarely exhibited to a broad public.

Through their annual membership fee, members contribute to the continuity of the museum's activities, as well as that of its website. They benefit from reduced rates and other advantages.


Pierre De Grandi : doctor and writer

François De Grandi : architect, choreographer and computer scientist

As a tribute to their father Italo and their uncle Vincent, Pierre and François founded the ADG in October 2016 and opened the museum to the public on 6 September 2017.

Pierre and François De Grandi: Founders


The committee directs the activity of the Association. It is composed of four volunteer members.

Pierre De Grandi: Chairman

Pierre De Grandi


Doctor-surgeon, ordinary professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Biology of the University of Lausanne and Head of Department at the CHUV, heads the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1990-2003). Medical Director of theCHUV (1995-2007), he then joined the world of writing and published three novels.

Thérèse Mauris: Vice-President

Thérèse Mauris

Vice President

A graduate of the Istituto Centrale del Restauro and of the International Centre for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property of UNESCO in Rome, she opened her workshop in Lausanne, works for galleries, antique dealers, private and public collections and carries out restorations in numerous churches, mainly in the Canton of Vaud. Vice-President of the Vaud section of Swiss Heritage, Thérèse Mauris is also President of the Doge's domain and President of the Casimir Reymond Foundation.

Elena Urbanovici


Polyglot (French, Romanian, Russian, Italian, English and Spanish), with a degree in Literature and History of Art, held a position as librarian at the University Cantonal Library (BCU) in Lausanne from 1968 to 2007, while carrying out various correction, translation and editing activities.

Sylvie Bonvin-Rod: Treasurer

Sylvie Bonvin-Rod


With a solid experience as a management, administrative and accounting secretary in engineering offices and real estate agencies in the Veyssinian region, she has also worked in other cantons, mastering German and English in addition to French, her mother tongue. 

Become a member

By becoming a member you support:

  • a permanent exhibition by Italo and Vincent De Grandi
  • temporary exhibitions of Swiss artists
  • lectures and concerts
  • an architectural heritage:
    the house-workshop built in 1939 by Alberto Sartoris, a historic monument of regional importance
  • a virtual museum:

You get the following benefits:

  • reduced admission to exhibitions
  • a conference or concert offered
  • invitation to openings
  • regular information on exhibitions, lectures and concerts organised at the museum
  • user registration for the virtual museum, with access to privileged content

I'm in!

CHF 60.00

You have chosen to contribute CHF 60.00 per year.

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Total donation : CHF 60.00 Annual