Donors and sponsors

Each exhibition project is subject to a three-fold fundraising process:


The Association approaches public or private institutions supporting cultural projects by financing certain aspects (poster campaign, catalogue production, scenography, etc.) by providing :

  • the presence of the institution's logo on the project's visuals


In addition, the Association addresses itself to companies wishing to sponsor a project, in exchange of counterparts such as :

  • the presence of the company logo on the project's visuals
  • free catalogues
  • a guided tour etc.


Finally, the Association allows anyone to personally contribute to a project:

  • or by crowd funding to complement the support of institutions and enterprises; or
  • or by volunteering (babysitting, helping at openings, etc.).


The Association approaches public or private institutions supporting cultural projects by financing certain aspects (poster campaign, catalogue production, scenography, etc.) by providing :

  • the presence of the institution's logo on the project's visuals


In addition, the Association addresses itself to companies wishing to sponsor a project, in exchange of counterparts such as :

  • the presence of the company logo on the project's visuals
  • free catalogues
  • a guided tour etc.


Finally, the Association allows anyone to personally contribute to a project:

  • or by participatory financing (crowdefunding) to complement the support of institutions and companies; or
  • or by a voluntary activity (security, help with openings, etc.).

Public Institutions

Whatever the amount, the support of cantonal and communal institutions, recognizing a project of the Association as being of public interest, constitutes the basic reference according to which other institutions set the amount of their contribution. This contribution is indispensable and we are very grateful to the following institutions:

Canton of Vaud

Affairs Service of the State of Vaud

Commune de Corseaux

Commune de Corseaux

Commune of Chexbres

Commune of Chexbres

Comune de Vaulion

Commune de Vaulion

Private institutions

The exhibitions and lecture cycles realized since the opening of the museum in September 2017 by the Association, would not have taken place without the major contributions of the following private institutions, to which we are deeply grateful:

Lottery Romande

Lottery Romande

Ernst Göhner Foundation

Ernst Göhner Foundation

Sandoz Family Philanthropic Foundation

Sandoz Family Philanthropic Foundation

Nestlé Corporate Contributions

Nestlé Corporate Contributions

Wilhelm Gimmi Foundation

Wilhelm Gimmi Foundation


EPFL ACMs and Archizoom

Waldensian Academic Society

Waldensian Academic Society

Marcel Regamey Foundation

Marcel Regamey Foundation

Casimir Reymond Foundation

Casimir Reymond Foundation

avv logo black


Sponsorship can take different forms, either project-based or contributing to the Association's activities over the long term. The Retraites Populaires supported the VENICE exhibition from time to time. 

AJP Security below is not only responsible for the museum's security system, but its leaders have opted for long-term support.
We warmly thank these sponsors:

Popular Pensions Logo

Popular Pensions

AJP Security

Project to be financed :

Maya Boisgallays
Interior landscapes

Artist, painter, engraver, copperplate cutter and creator of bibliophile books, Maya Boisgallays was born in Montreux, Switzerland, in 1949.

His work is preserved at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, among others, and most of it has been deposited at the Fondation ateliers d'artiste in St-Maurice.

Boisgallays Maya

Exhibition from April 18 to October 27, 2024


Exaltation of surfaces
Subtle volume nesting
Absence of decorations

Exaltation of surfaces
Subtle volume nesting
Absence of decorations

Exaltation of surfaces
Subtle volume nesting
Absence of decorations

International Style: the staircase

"Watercolor first.
The choice of paper - not rough,
smooth but with a velvety texture.
The importance of touch.
Colours in tubes and not in cups,
that come out bright, dense, dark.
Their smell.
With the fresh, non-dry matter,
voluptuousness of mixtures. "

"Watercolor first.
The choice of paper - not rough,
smooth but with a velvety texture.
The importance of touch.
Colours in tubes and not in cups,
that come out bright, dense, dark.
Their smell.
With the fresh, non-dry matter,
voluptuousness of mixtures. "

"Watercolor first.
The choice of paper
- not rough,
smooth but with a velvety texture.
The importance of touch."

Claire Koenig: composition

Claire Koenig : composition 2003 ?

"In a few words" by Claire Koenig


Softness of form
in the light
Asymmetrical freedoms

Softness of form
in the light
Asymmetrical freedoms

Softness of form
in the light
Asymmetrical freedoms

L'Atelier De Grandi : west garden

"...stop his gaze
on the non-places,
the spaces between things.
Colour - transparent,
it's obvious,
but wanted dense,
in places almost to opacity. "

"...stop his gaze
on the non-places,
the spaces between things.
Colour - transparent,
it's obvious, but intended to be dense,
in places almost up to
opacity. "

"...stop his gaze
on the non-places,
between things. "

Claire Koenig: composition 2018

Claire Koenig: composition 2013

"In a few words" by Claire Koenig


Serene light
Calm proportions
Material accuracy
Song of colours

Serene light
Calm proportions
of materials
Song of colours

Serene light
Calm proportions
Material accuracy
Song of colours

The Workshop updated in 2005

A density that comes by the addition of an almost pure colour, without water, and not by superimposition.
Drawing as meditation, watercolour as action.
The two are complementary.

Drawing as meditation, watercolour as action.
The two are complementary.

A density that comes by the addition of an almost pure color,
without water, and not by superimposition.
Drawing as meditation, watercolour as action.
The two are complementary.

Claire Koenig: composition 2013

Claire Koenig: composition 2013

"In a few words" by Claire Koenig


Claire Koenig graduated from the Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne in 1976.
and a member of Visarte Vaud.
She has exhibited regularly since 1984
and teaches drawing and watercolor...
in his Vevey workshop since 1990.

Claire Koenig is a graduate
of the Cantonal School of Art
of Lausanne in 1976
and a member of Visarte Vaud.
She exhibits regularly
since 1984
and teaches drawing and watercolor...
in his Vevey workshop since 1990.

Claire Koenig graduated from the Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne in 1976.
and a member of Visarte Vaud.
She has exhibited regularly since 1984
and teaches drawing and watercolor...
in his Vevey workshop since 1990.

Publications :
Outremer 3072, with Christine Sefolosha, 2002.
Prétexte à mes départs, 2008.
Butterfly monologue, poems by Ulrike Blatter, 2012.
At the other end of the eyes, from image to word,
artist's leporello with poems by Eliane Vernay, 2019.

Publications :
Overseas 3072,
with Christine Sefolosha, 2002.
Pretext for my departures, 2008.
Butterfly monologue,
poems by Ulrike Blatter, 2012.
At the other end of the eyes, from image to word,
leporello of artists with poems
by Eliane Vernay, 2019.

previous arrow
next arrow
Contribute to the realization of this project
as :

Private individual :

Depending on your contribution to the financing of this project (from CHF 100.- tax deductible) you will receive the following benefits:

  • for CHF 20.- and CHF 50.-:
    - free, unlimited admission to the exhibition
  • for CHF 100:
    - free, unlimited admission to the exhibition
    - and one free lecture
  • for CHF 200.- or more:
    - free, unlimited admission to the exhibition
    - a free guided tour
    - a free lecture
    - and a free catalog

What's more, you're automatically registered as a site user (login) with private access to reserved content (including your own collection of works). And this for the duration of the project, after which you can choose :

  • either to join the Association
  • either to support another project


TARGET: CHF 6,000.00 until March 31, 2024
Make your own contribution, in addition to support from the following institutions:
- Sandoz Family Philanthropic Foundation
- SERAC Canton de Vaud
- Arts Visuels Vaud
- Commune de Corseaux

Even if the target of CHF 6,000 is not reached by March 31, all donations will be used for the exhibition.

Crowdfunding Maya Boisgallays

to the 32 generous donors!
All funds raised - CHF 3,730.00 - will be used to mount the exhibition Maya Boisgallays Paysages intérieurs from April 18 to October 27, Thursday to Sunday, 1:30 to 6:00 pm.

By offering your services as a volunteer for this project, you are automatically registered as a user of the site (login) with private access to reserved content (including your own collection of works). And this for the duration of the project, after which you will be able to choose :

  • either to join the Association
  • either to support another project


Your commitment is essential for the smooth running of this project. You can choose or propose which activity you wish to carry out as a volunteer by filling in the form below.

Company :

Of the CHF 19,000 budgeted in the project file, CHF 6,000 remains to be financed.

You will be able to choose which type of counterparty is best for you when you fill in the form below.

One-time sponsoring

Your specific support for this project.
The amount below is indicative: you can enter another amount from CHF 500.00

Your one-time contribution is a specific donation for this project.
The amount below is indicative: you can enter another one starting from CHF 500.00


Personalized amount

Select a payment method
Login to your account (optional)

Credit Card Information
Payment secured by SSL.
Billing details


Total donation : CHF 1'000.00

Sponsoring all of L'Atelier De Grandi's activities is a long-term commitment, for which you set the annual amount yourself.

You will be able to choose which type of counterparty is best for you when you fill in the form below.

Long-term sponsorship

Your annual support over time.
The amount below is indicative: you can enter another one starting from CHF 200.00

Your one-time contribution is a specific donation for this project.
The amount below is indicative: you can enter another one starting from CHF 200.00


Personalized amount

Select a payment method
Login to your account (optional)

Credit Card Information
Payment secured by SSL.
Billing details


Total donation : CHF 500.00 Annual

Institution :

Of the CHF 19,000 budgeted in the project file, CHF 6,000 remains to be financed.

One-time contribution

Your unique and specific donation for this project.
The amount below is indicative: you can enter another one starting from CHF 500.00

Your one-time contribution is a specific donation for this project.
The amount below is indicative: you can enter another one starting from CHF 500.00


Personalized amount

Select a payment method
Personal information

Credit Card Information
Payment secured by SSL.
Billing details


Total donation : CHF 1'000.00
